Gluten free crispbread

Gluten-Free Knäckebröd (Crispbread)

Even if you are allergic to gluten, it should not be an obstacle to enjoying a good and crispy knäckebröd. At Knackebrodonline there are several gluten-free knäckebröd baked from ingredients that do not contain gluten. Some of these varieties are also lactose-free, click on the Contents tab, and you will see the ingredients in the product.



Why does gluten-free knäckebröd (crispbread) break so easily?

One question we often get is why gluten-free crispbread breaks so easily and becomes crumbly. Gluten-free crispbread is baked by definition by ingredients that do not contain gluten. One of the characteristics of baking with flour containing gluten is that the bread stays together. For this reason, it is much more challenging to bake a gluten-free crispbread. Here you add other types of ingredients to get the right consistency on the bread. Our bakeries that bake gluten-free crispbread are well aware of these problems and are continuously working on getting the proper pastry on the dough so that the end product becomes a sustainable and tasty crispbread.

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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